Hard to Photograph Birds

There are birds that are easy to find and there are birds that hard to find and photograph.

Two of those birds are the Blue-headed vino and the Northern waterthrush.

I don't go on photography trips to specifically photograph these birds. Most of the time these birds are chance encounters. You see them for five seconds and they disappear in the shadows or thick undergrouth.

The Northern waterthrush for example I saw for maybe five seconds, I snapped a couple of photos and it was gone.

The bottom line is when you walking in the woods be prepared and have your camera settings ready .

If you are unsure as to which setting you should use, try this !/1000 sec shutter speed with a F 5.6 Aperture with camera set to Auto ISO.

I use a Nikon 500mm 5.6 lens for most of my photography nowadays as it is light and portable allowing for quick response for the "Hard to Photograph Birds"